Saturday, December 11, 2010

Encourage Giggling.

"A good laugh is sunshine in a house"

Few people actually laugh themselves to death, but many do succumb to stress-related illnesses such as heart attacks and strokes. A healthy dose of humor can make a significant contribution to your overall health and well-being, including your marriage relationship.

Science is learning what common sense has shown us all along: Laughter is wonderful medicine and an important aid to healing. It revitalizes and relieves tension. No matter what problems you face today, look for humor and share a healthy chuckle or two with your partner.

Few things are more enjoyable and memorable than laughing together.

4 show their love comments:

E•M•O•T•E•R•A said...
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E•M•O•T•E•R•A said...

aaww. sweet post :) laughter is the best medicine. but not all the time :) baka baliw na yun. :D joke

Ellen ♥ said...

I really love your blog :)

zebzeb said...

nice post! :D

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